Online videos are protected by copyright law. Here’s some word of advice on downloading online content: Top 5 Video Grabber Tools to Download Online Videos Without further mentions, let’s see our winners. Except for your email address, not collect personal data.Must work with YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.Inspired by Eric Griffith‘s post for PC Magazine, I’ve put together a list with some crucial aspects all video grabbers should have: What to Look For In a Video Grabber Toolīefore I started downloading online videos, I wish someone had told me not all video grabbing tools are alike. Plus, I talk about the rise of online videos and why Youtube is such a big deal. In this post, I share a comparison of five top video grabber tools that stand out from the crowd to make sure you make the best decision. You just have to enter the URL of the video and then download it directly to your device. Using video grabbers is not rocket science. What’s the easiest way?” The answer is: you get yourself a video grabber tool. Now you’re thinking, “Oh boy, I really wanna re-watch it when I’m offline. It’s so catchy, you can’t stop watching it. Here’s the thing: you found a video online.